We ARE pillars
in our communities
We are leaders
in our professions
We ARE a network of educated individuals dedicated to giving back and enriching our communities day-by-day
We ARE the Alumni of
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
We ARE pillars
in our communities
We are leaders
in our professions
We ARE a network of educated individuals dedicated to giving back and enriching our communities day-by-day
We ARE the Alumni of
Historically Black Colleges and Universities

HBCUs by the Numbers

$14.8 Billion

HBCUs generate $14.8 billion in economic impact annually

134,090 Jobs

HBCUs generate 134,090 jobs in total for their local and regional

25% of African-American

HBCUs represent 3% of colleges and universities yet graduate 22% of African Americans who hold undergraduate degrees and 24% in STEM fields

40% of Members of Congress

Among African Americans, HBCU graduates represent
40% of members of Congress

40% of Engineers
50% of Professors of Non-HBCUs
50% of Lawyers
80% of Judges

Educated by HBCUs, Run by HBCU Alumni

Join Us

Join the largest community of HBCU graduates that helps you grow by helping others grow.

Partner With Us

Brand engagement is a valuable interaction between our HBCU Alumni network and our Community partners’ brand.


The NHBCUAA is a strong network of HBCU graduates from across the nation,
and is made stronger by the established partnerships in our communities, nationally and globally.